Prepare your Pension

With 3a Revo you invest in shares of promising companies.

Zugerberg Finanz 3a Revo

3a Revo is the revolutionary pension concept from Zugerberg Finanz. 3a Revo offers you the chance to invest directly in promising companies from a one-off amount of CHF 5’000 or a monthly savings contribution of CHF 100. This offer is possible because 3a Revo lets you acquire fractional shares. The shares are selected by us and purchased directly in your retirement savings custodian account.

To the brochure

Advantages for you:

  • financial pension provisions and security

  • multiple tax savings

  • increased return opportunities through investment in securities

  • flexible and variable payments

  • Early withdrawal to purchase a home or take up self-employment possible

Choose your risk profile:

Low risk
High risk

Key values


Zugerberg 3a retirement savings foundation

Board of Trustees

The majority of the Board of Trustees are independent specialists and experts. The Board of Trustees has delegated the management of the Foundation.


The management of the foundation is entrusted to the second pillar consulting company, Aktiengesellschaft, Basel.

Auditing firm

The auditor of the Zugerberg 3a Retirement Savings Foundation is Deloitte AG, Zurich.

Supervisory Authority of the Foundation

The Zugerberg 3a Retirement Savings Foundation adheres to the investment restrictions set by the Swiss Ordinance on Occupational Old-Age, Survivors', and Disability Benefit Plans (BVV2). The Zugerberg 3a Retirement Savings Foundation is subject to the Central Swiss Supervisory Authority for Occupational Old-Age, Survivors', and Disability Benefit Plans and Foundations (ZBSA), Lucerne.

Investment character

Active asset management,
ranges model according to the chosen investment strategy

Type of investment

One-off investment or capital generation plan;
flexible and individual

Investment amount

from CHF 5'000 (one-off investment)
or from CHF 100 per month (capital generation plan)

Investment instruments

Primarily individual titles

Asset management company

Zugerberg Finanz

Custodian bank

Swissquote Bank SA