4 BILLION – a journey of determination, trust, and loyalty

In our opinion

“Message from the CEO”

I am delighted to announce today that Zugerberg Finanz has reached a milestone: 4 billion Swiss francs’ worth of assets under management (AuM). This success is not only a significant moment for our company, but also a reminder of the journey we have been on with our clients, partners, and employees. A journey full of development, dynamism, growth, defeats, and successes.

Not even in my wildest visions (or even dreams) would I have imagined that my path would lead this far when I founded the company on 20/04/2000, without a single client.

We reached the first billion after 17 years. The second after 19. Then the third after 21 years. And now the fourth after 24 years. “Slow success builds character, fast success builds ego.”

I thank my parents for teaching me values and to never give up and that when you do something, do it right.

A heartfelt thank you also goes to our valued clients and partners. Without their trust and support, we wouldn’t be where we are today. Their loyalty motivates us to become even better every day.

Our employees, whose tireless dedication and commitment are the cornerstone of our success, deserve special thanks. Even in challenging times, they stick together and show their devotion to our shared goals.

A particular thank you is likewise due to Liliana Lukic, who led us out of analogue to an almost completely digital world within 6 years, as well as to our longest-serving employees Guido Neckermann, Thomas Aregger, Danilo Zanetti, Stefanie Saliu, Eva Parrado, Tugba Tatlici, Pascal Honauer, Cyrill von Burg (CFA), Michael Rosatzin, Jeanne d’Arc Sankari, Jan Imgrüth, Monika Marti, and Neno Maric, for their many years of dedication and unreserved loyalty. And to each and every one of our now 67 employees, who give their very best every day and on whom I can rely at any moment.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my longtime business partner Maurice Pedergnana for the trust he places in me in my role as CEO. I am very grateful to have met you and to have you by my side to this day. Thank you for putting up with me.

Even though we have reached a significant milestone today, this is just one more step on our journey. My passion, drive, and commitment remain unbroken and I look forward to continuing to work with all of these people for the success of our clients – whose success is also ours.

Timo Dainese

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