Thank you, Maurice!

In our opinion

Today, I just want to say thank you, Maurice R. H. Pedergnana.

We met 15 years ago around this period.
At the time, I was looking for an economist.
You also wanted to be an entrepreneur.
After a number of discussions, we agreed to do this together.

It was hard, at first. We quickly realized we are not the same. In fact, we’re totally different.
I knew how to do your job better, and you knew how to do my job better.
That created friction. (Too) much friction.
After 2 years, we had our divorce hearing. In an anonymous office, with some consultants or other. Was it really all over?
“Tell me Maurice, are you for real? We’re sitting here, with these people talking for us, and they know what’s good for us better than we do?”

That was our turning point.

Since then, we’ve got much better at working together.
Even today, we are not best friends who have a beer together every evening.
We are partners who work together optimally.
I know what you’re capable of, and you know what I’m capable of.
We complement each other perfectly.

To me, you are one of the best economists in Switzerland.
I am infinitely glad and grateful to have met you and to have you by my side to this day.

Here’s to the next 15 years!


Timo Dainese

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