Winterhilfe Zug

Winterhilfe Zug helps people in the canton of Zug who are affected by poverty. At any time of year. Winterhilfe Zug helps on average 650 cases a year. These include the working poor, single-parent families and other disadvantaged people, children, adults, women, and men. On average, the organization supports 1’200 people each year. Our support makes an important contribution to this aid.

Every year, we auction off all the Christmas gifts we receive from custodian banks, fund companies, partners, and clients at a small Christmas party at the Lüssihof. Wine, Basler Läckerli, Panettone, Prosecco, woolen blankets, umbrellas, calendars, bee honey, and much more all go under the hammer. Our employees are always very generous. The auction in December 2020 raised more than CHF 5’000. The two managing partners Maurice Pedergnana and Timo Dainese then doubled this amount. We were thus able to donate CHF 10’880 to the Zuger Winterhilfe Foundation.

The following year, the doubled auction proceeds of CHF 11’000 were again donated to a good cause and were divided equally between Winterhilfe Zug and Schweizer Berghilfe, the Swiss mountain aid organization.

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